Perhaps you’d like to share a memory of a blissful day you’ve already experienced, or perhaps you’d like to share a hypothetical perfect day that you’d like to experience if money were no object.
- Who are you with?
- What would you do?
- Where would you go?
- What would you eat?
Dream big and inspire us with your perfect day in Italy! It’s a perfect opportunity to inspire others visiting Italy this summer with a dreamy itinerary for a perfect day in the bel paese.
For instructions on how to join, click here.
For an instructive video on how to join, click
The link up will be open from April 7th to 14th. You’ll be able to add your blog post or vlog below as always by clicking the BLUE BUTTON.
#DolceVitaBloggers Linkup - #4 March 2018 - International Women's Day
#DolceVitaBloggers Linkup - #3 February 2018 - A Love Letter to Italy
#DolceVitaBloggers Linkup - #2 January 2018 - Favourite Italian City
#DolceVitaBloggers Linkup - #1 December 2017 - 'The Italian Connection'