For me, life is still, and always will be, it's most cinematic in Italy. There are so many little moments in a day that make me stop and stare and just BE. There are moments that fill you up with awe, wonder, glory, and calm. It is in the effervescent bubbles in a glass of prosecco raised up to friends, cherries picked up from a corner fruttivendolo in Sicily still warm from the sun, a toothy and all-too-confident grin from a fishmonger, a sunset in Tuscany as you settle into a dinner that you already know is going to be the best meal of your life (at least for this week), ducking into gastronomia after gastronomia in a random town, on a desperate arancini search, lingering to stay in somone’s company by ordering one too many digestivi and teetering home on cobblestone in heels and praying that you don’t ruin this pair as well but then saying to hell with it because è da tanto tempo che non sei più andata a trovare la tua calzolaia preferita (it's been awhile since the last time you paid a visit to your favorite shoemaker) …This is where the sweet life exists. In my opinon, if you’re unable to be present in these moments, to capture them, that’s when you become a non-believer. Many Italians as well, can’t appreciate these little things anymore because of the constant push to be like America and be all about the push- the push for more. But I think, the dolce vita is just the exact opposite, Not so much the push, but the pull to enjoy every minute and find the beauty all around us.
And Italy, well, she pulls in so many different directions.
Italy is for dreamers and for romantics like Kylie and I. Do you agree with us? Does the dolce vita still exist? Watch the video and let me know.
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