1. Posso avere una figa?
English Translation: Can I have a (vulgar word for vagina)?
Intended phrase: Posso avere un fico?
Intended meaning: Can I have a fig?
2. Mi piacciono i pisellini.
English Translation: I like little wee-wees (as in cutesy children's word for you know what!)
Intended phrase and meaning: I like naps. Naps = pisolino NOT pisellino.
3. Buon Ano!
English Translation: Good ass****!
Intended phrase: Buon Anno!
Intending Meaning: Happy New Year!
4. Il gatto è sulla tetta.
English Translation: The cat is on the boob.
Intended phrase: Il gatto è sul tetto.
Intended meaning: The cat is on the roof.
This is a continuation of the original post: The Best Worst Mistakes Made by English-Speakers in Italian, so please read that gem if you haven't yet!
You might also enjoy the post where I make fun of my Italian friends' slip-ups:
Sh*t my Italian Friends Say
Also, please feel free to comment and share any laugh-out-loud errors in Italian (or any other language for that matter) that you've committed yourself! I would love to hear about them!