1. How to Snag (and Keep) an Italian Man
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Be a good cook: Take note that "good" is very relative and a "good" cook in North American terms will probably not suffice in Italy. You cannot use anything pre-made here except perhaps Giovanni Rana lasagna (because my future mother-in-law says it's good). Your future Italian relatives would expect a homemade five-course meal MINIMUM so if you can't take that kind of heat...get outta the kitchen girl.
2. Asians and Italians…The Perfect Cross-Cultural Cocktail?
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Asian-Americans work well with Italians because we come from similar backgrounds that focus heavily on the two things most important things in life: FOOD and FAMILY. Most nationalities claim to emphasize similar values, but maybe not to the extent of Asians and Italians. We get really intense with this stuff.
3. The Unofficial, Community-Curated, Comprehensive List of Italophiles
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This morning I started a project to create a user-driven compilation of all the best Italophile Instagram accounts to follow, the only criteria were that those included love Italy and/or Italian as much as yours truly. We did it “chain-reaction” style in order to get the widest reach and the most diversity in contributions so anyone who was added was then asked to add their own favorite “Italophile” to the ever-growing list. It's easy to find a "blog roll call" or a list of recommended blogs to follow these days, but I have yet to come across a community-curated list of Instagram accounts. The best part about this list is that all the featured accounts have essentially been "hand-picked" by YOU AND ME, mutual lovers of Italy and all things Italian.
4. A Short Rant on Customer Service in Italy
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I mean, it's a general well-known fact that customer service in Italy is laughable- from being transferred from person to person on the phone and finally being hung up on to having someone make me wait while they take an Instagram of their morning coffee- I've experienced it all. I really would have pulled a Samantha (remember that iconic "dirty martini, dirty bastard" scene in Sex and the City?!) on that girl taking a photo if not for the fact that she was sitting behind a pane of protective glass. More often than not, people in the customer service in industry in Italy act like they are serving a life sentence while at work, as if they never asked to be doing that job and someone is coercing them into it. I'm sure sometimes that's the case, so I'll let those people off the hook.
5. wear this: Rudsak Grace coat (STYLE Nº # 8113928)
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Rudsak is a Montreal-based company that epitomizes 'the spirit of cool rebel', but in my mind, it aligns perfectly with 'the style of Torontonians', which I would describe as being very much the high-end hipster with rebel touches. I love to buy local and I still adore my made in Canada Mooseknuckles bomber jacket, however it is not exactly something you can dress-up or wear out to a fancy dinner. Enter the Grace coat.
6. What the heck is Chilly Gel?
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If you don't know the answer, that means you've never lived in Italy and therefore not well-versed in the infamous detergente intimo (soap for your intimate parts, my goodness it sure doesn't translate well!). Chilly gel is a brand of these soaps and there are whole sections in the supermarket dedicated to a vast selection of them with varying characteristics such as pH type, scent, etc.
7. The Weekend Catch-Up: Santa Margherita Ligure and Pretty Portofino
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The nightlife is young-ish, trendy, wealthy; the heels of the girls super high and skinny while the skirts were so short they almost were non-existent. Be warned it's alot of tourists and the locals/Italians did not seem overly interested- I think it's gotten to the point where foreigners aren't so preyed upon, therefore if you're looking for a fling with someone who you can't understand, from my observations I think that would be unlikely- try Florence instead.
8. Annoying Things Non-Canadians Say About Canada
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It’s consistently said that travel is the cure to ignorance and I understand that travel, especially across the Atlantic, is not economically feasible for everyone. But inform yourselves the old-fashioned way. Ask questions, read books or at least scroll through Google images of different countries. Do all of this before telling me how relieved I must be to be “out of the cold” and living in a “real city”. I live in Bergamo, it’s 115,223 people. Remember Edmonton’s number? 932,546. I think it’s safe to say that I was living in a real city before as well.
9. LOVE STORIES by Questa Dolce Vita: Maddie & Gio
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I was also completely taken aback by how direct Gio was with his feelings. This was a combination of having less-than-perfect English (which forces one to be direct) and him being Italian. I remember getting a text from him one night asking me what I was doing that evening. I wrote back saying something like, "I am tired, so I am just going to watch a movie. I will see you tomorrow because I am sure you want to be out enjoying the city with the others!" and he wrote back saying, "No, I want to be with you. You are the only one I care about here, I will come watch a movie with you."
10. The Appeal of Italian Men
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Okay, this is the blog post that everyone wants. So grab your prosecco and pull up a chair, let’s discuss the global appeal of Italian men. Let’s start off with the superficial basics. If you have any taste in men at all, it’s almost impossible to deny the classically revered features of the Italians- the strong noses (here there is a fine balance required, let’s be honest), the even stronger jawlines, the thick eyelashes that look better than mine with two layers of falsies…just the eyes in general. Sometimes I think that the Romans invented bedroom eyes.
What's your favourite post? Is it included on this list? If not, let me know!
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Cross-Cultural Dating: My First Jaw-Drop Moment with an Italian
Italian Men: The Unofficial Guide for Wives and Girlfriends
How to Date an Italian Man or Woman (From The Iceberg Project)
Guest Post: My Story with the Italian Language