As February is the month of love and Saint Valentine, we thought what better than to write a love letter to our beloved Italia!
What do you love about Italy? What's your relationship with the country? Does it make you fall head over heels one minute and frustrate you the next? Tell us how you feel. As always feel free to interpret this theme as you wish...An idea could be to write it to Italy as a person, starting with "Dear Italy...", for example.
Take it as a chance to express your love ❤️ for il bel paese. Maybe the love is unrequited, maybe it's been a lifelong affair, maybe you took a "break" but you wanna get back together, maybe she's caused you so much heartache that you have to walk away, whatever it is, we want to know why you love or have loved Italy.
We can't wait to read your letters!
The linky will be open from February 7th and you will have one week to submit your own posts and a full month to read and share everyone's stories. We will obviously share and comment on them all as well!
Please fill in our form here where you can tell us what topics you'd like to see and how you prefer the Linky to be run! This is all so we can create a wonderful Italophile community! Talk to us!
Febbraio: Una Lettera D'Amore
Poiché febbraio è il mese dell'amore e di San Valentino, abbiamo pensato... che cosa c'e' di meglio che scrivere una lettera d'amore alla nostra amata Italia?
Cosa amate dell'Italia? Qual è il vostro rapporto con il Bel Paese? Vi fa innamomare un minuto e vi frustra un istante dopo? Diteci come vi sentite? Come sempre sentievi liberi/e di interpretare questo tema come desiderate ...
Non vediamo l'ora di leggere tutti i vostri commenti.
Il linky aprira' dal 7 febbraio e avrete 1 settimana di tempo per inviare i vostri post ed un intero mese per leggere e condividere tutte le vostre storie. Noi lasceremo dei commenti e condivideremo tutti i vostri post.
For instructions on how to join, click here.
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