Our House Hunters International Episode is Airing in the US!12/31/2015 9 Comments
Unbeknownst to us (and only discovered after Massi's friends in the US told him), our House Hunters International episode has already aired once and is scheduled to air again tomorrow! It is not the same schedule that is being followed by the network HGTV in Canada, so I think all of us north of the border are SOL. So if you happen to be reading this and can PVR our episode, please do and tell me all about it! Also if you happen to be reading this and are an internet mastermind and have somehow found our episode, please forward and you will have a lifetime supply of pasta and my eternal love. Or I suppose if you have a time machine to take me back to yesterday, I will obviously honor the aforementioned means of gratitude. Here's the upcoming airdate (tomorrow):
Canada is a Winter Wonderland12/18/2015 0 Comments
So sorry for being MIA on the blog these days, however it's been a whirlwind coming back, heading to Vegas, and re-coming back to Edmonton a second time. I hope to do a post with a few Las Vegas photos soon depending on how soon I can tear myself away from my two newest addictions: The Mindy Project and walking under the snow. In fact, it's so pretty outside that I'm fully prepared to write just a few more lines and call it a day here. I never would've thought that I'd be so enthusiastic about shovelling snow but it's my favourite pastime since I've returned to Canada, I can't get enough. A few days ago I took my camera out and about my neighbourhood and here are the results- I hope they give you a sense of where I'm from (I'm a full-blown ice princess, like Elsa but with black hair and the inability to sing).
The street where I live.
True north.
An Eskimo (me) caught in the snow.
Overlooking the almost-frozen river valley.
Wide-open skies.
A chilly chill-out spot.
Welcome to my Backyard- Edmonton, Canada!12/4/2015 0 Comments
Ciao from the other side of the world! Here I am taking a selfie in (literally) my backyard, look at the pretty pine trees and the snow! I just arrived last night around dinner so today is my first full day back at home on Canadian soil. Life right now is all about the triple-F: friends, family, and FOOD. All I've been doing is planning which friend to see next and what I'm gonna eat next. Tonight, it's going to be Vietnamese pho. Cannot wait. I was jet-lagged this morning because I woke up at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep (plus I was counting the hours until I could start banging pans in the kitchen to make BACON AND EGGS). It's slightly bizarre to be surrounded by English; to hear the radio, TV, daily conversations in my native language is a hoot. I've only done a few strange things so far: like not using my blinker, forgetting to turn right on a red, and pressing down on the stove knobs to 'ignite' the non-existent gas burner...ours is electric.
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Jasmine is a former pharmacist turned writer and wine drinker from Alberta, Canada living "the sweet life" in Bergamo, Italy.
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