The Wednesday Recipe: Key Lime Pie4/29/2015 0 Comments
I recently had an unorthodox craving for Key Lime Pie. It was one of my favourite desserts back home because there's a chain of restaurants called Cactus Club that features it as a signature dish. Surely there was no hope in finding one here in Italy (the cheesecake isn't even the same!) so I knew I'd have to find me a recipe and make one of these bad boys! The result was completely satisfying...!
Weekend Catch-Up: A Garden Party4/28/2015 2 Comments
I've never really had the chance to have both a flower garden and a vegetable garden back in Canada, obviously due to the very short sunshine season. It's definitely possible, but you're a bit limited to what you can grow successfully. Being in Italy and in our new house, we are fully indulging in all things garden-related so this past weekend we headed out to join the masses of Italians to literally shop for flowers! It's so popular that we had to get up early on Saturday morning to beat the insane crowds that tend to accumulate during the afternoons. I do not have a green thumb at all, but Massi's dad has quite the passion for gardening (luckily!) and so basically did most of the work for us on Sunday morning. In addition to the flowers, he enriched our vegetable patch even further with tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, and sage, to name a few new additions. It is such a novel concept for so many North Americans to be able to eat what you grow in your own backyard but that is what is done here (and likely the reason why waistlines remain so trim!). For our light Sunday night dinner, we just popped outside and cut ourselves a nice salad. But wait, in Italy you don't pour on the Ranch, Caesar, or any other cream-based salad's simply oil and white wine vinegar! So your beloved "Italian" Caesar salad is not quite so Italian after all.
Una Preghiera Per Nepal - A Prayer for Nepal4/27/2015 0 Comments
The times spent in a world away from May 4, 2007 to June 29, 2007. Nepal is a place beyond words and my life will forever be intertwined with the lives of the people I worked with. I volunteered at a women's wellness clinic called NAHUDA; the sisterhood there touched my heart and I know that I will return one day. These words were written almost eight years ago when I had just returned from a volunteer trip to Nepal. It's one of the places in the world that really became like home to me. The Nepalese people are simply some of the kindest and happiest you will ever meet, I consider it a true privilege to have met some of the people I did and I am sending out my prayers to Nepal today.
Blog News: Foreign Correspondent for PINK PANGEA4/24/2015 0 Comments
Hey all...Happy Friday! I have a new gig to announce and it's that I will be writing a total of eight DIFFERENT & UNIQUE articles (ones you won't be able to see on the blog) for the women-focused travel website and community: Pink Pangea, check them out here. Of course the articles will still be about all things Italy! I will let you know when the posts are up via the blog and Twitter .
The (Belated) Wednesday Recipe: Gnocchi di Castagne con Burro e Salvia4/23/2015 0 Comments
This week has literally FLOWN by and I didn't even have the chance to do a proper Wednesday recipe so here it is, albeit belated. This recipe comes from the book Two Greedy Italians Eat Italy and is just fantastic, although I found the chestnut flour to be the most challenging ingredient to track down back in Canada. Be warned, while gnocchi seem really easy to make, they are actually difficult to get the hang of in the sense that you need to develop an understanding of when the texture is correct (otherwise they end up overly floppy or overly hard and chewy). Have fun, see you in the Recipes sections!
One Lucky Californian Expat's Enchanting View from Bergamo's Città Alta4/22/2015 0 Comments
Katie is a true California girl who is the most recent North American expat to join our fair city of Bergamo, pictured here with a glass of something delicious on her apartment terrace in the upper city that she shares with Italy native and boyfriend, Gianmarco.
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Jasmine is a former pharmacist turned writer and wine drinker from Alberta, Canada living "the sweet life" in Bergamo, Italy.
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