A Big Fat Italian, Chinese-Canadian Wedding12/26/2016 0 Comments
Arguably the best thing I've done so far next to moving to Italy was choosing to get married in Italy! I absolutely wouldn't have done it though, if it weren't for the dedication of my friends and family who all pledged to traverse the Atlantic to celebrate the big day with us. We were so blessed to have almost half the guests attending be Italian and the other half coming from abroad (Canada, USA, and London to name just a few). I've shared four black and white photographs by our official wedding photographers Filblanc (www.filblanc.it) on the blog Facebook page: . So definitely stop by there and like the page to get all my most recent updates! For all those of you who are loyal to the blog and less apt to follow social media, here are a few photos of the big day that was divided between Bergamo (the church) and a Relais (Relais I Due Roccoli) overlooking Lake Iseo. Hoping you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Guest Post on Studentessa Matta: Reasons Why I Love Italy and Why I Learn Italian12/21/2016 0 Comments
I never got the chance to officially share how excited I was to take part in this guest post thought up by Melissa of the fabulous blog Studentessa Matta. She has been collecting stories from fellow readers and Italian-learners answering the why behind learning Italian. Some of the past guests' posts have made me laugh, others made me cry. There are a myriad of motives why we learn la bella lingua and finally I found time to write up mine, here is a snippet:
"I can pinpoint the moment when I made a promise to myself to learn and not just learn, but love Italian. It was when I came to Italy the first time after my now-husband had moved back. I stayed with his parents who didn’t speak a word of English (still true to this day). What I felt during this stay was not shame or embarrassment or frustration even…no, it was a sense of wonderment and of curiosity." To read the entire story I submitted, click here on my Guest Post Series: Jasmine Mah- Reasons Why I Love Italy and Why I Learn Italian.
Italy Magazine Bloggers Awards 2016- Vote for Me!12/20/2016 0 Comments
Finally, a bit of inspiration for a post! This is the first time since I officially inaugurated my permanent move to Italy that Questa Dolce Vita has been nominated and subsequently short-listed in the Best New Blog category in the Italy Magazine Bloggers Awards. It comes at an appropriate time as I just celebrated my second anniversary of living in Italy. Grazie mille to all who took the time to nominate the blog, I so appreciate it. This blog has meant alot to me as a form of catharsis for those difficult moments when la dolce vita seems unattainable, but most importantly, as a form of connecting with all those dreamers and the other expats daring to live the dream. I've met some of my best friends in Italy and afar thanks to the blog and that's all I could have ever asked for! Ok well, I'll ask for one more thing...vote forQuesta Dolce Vita as Best New Blog for the Italy Magazine Bloggers Awards 2016! Click the link or click below!
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(I suggest "Italian Men" or "wine" but that's just me!) Curator:
Jasmine is a former pharmacist turned writer and wine drinker from Alberta, Canada living "the sweet life" in Bergamo, Italy.
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