1. Be a good cook: Take note that "good" is very relative and a "good" cook in North American terms will probably not suffice in Italy. You cannot use anything pre-made here except perhaps Giovanni Rana lasagna (because my future mother-in-law says it's good). Your future Italian relatives would expect a homemade five-course meal MINIMUM so if you can't take that kind of heat...get outta the kitchen girl.
2. Learn how to iron: It's a lost skill these days due to the use of dryers in North America which produce wrinkle-free socks but the Italians love to iron and they love starching men's shirts as well. So get familiar with both. Also you will need to iron socks and underwear so best have a mini-tantrum about it now rather than later.
3. Be an obsessive cleaner: Italian women are some kind of wonderful when it comes to their housekeeping skills. They have a six sense for dust, literally they can see it from a mile away.
4. Don't take offence to fashion advice: The men love to dole out fashion tips and it's not unusual for a husband to tell his wife to use a different purse or change shoes for a certain outfit. Seems ridiculously control-freakish but in the end, Italians are known as leaders in style for a reason.
5. Acknowledge roles: Feminism never really found its way in Italy, everyone is still rather old-fashioned and traditional, especially the further south in the country you go. Women are expected to do things like cook and clean and be kind and gentle. Men do the eating, but they also do the heavy lifting (literally) and are still chivalrous (a dying art) for the most part.
6. Dress the part: Heels, skirts, and dresses are all still very much appreciated in Italy.
7. Mother knows best: Do not even try to complain about an Italian mamma, they will always be number one in their son's eyes. Just be content coming in second place and you'll have a happy life.
8. Mother cooks best: Also, even if you're a 3-starred Michelin chef, your Italian man's mamma is still the better cook, no questions asked.
9. Praise away: Ah the Italian Man Ego, it needs fluffing every now and then. It is especially important to praise manly endeavours like how great his vegetable patch looks or his facial hair.
10. Become a master stylist: Massi likes to have his outfits picked out for him. His mother had this coveted job before I did. Don't tell him I wrote this.
11. Love his family: Italians are so tight-knit so if you hate hanging out with relatives every given Sunday, this is not the right culture for you.
Truth be told, Italians are some of the warmest people you will ever meet and while tradition runs deep, I get along marvellously with my Italian man and I'm by no means an anti-feminist or sadist. In my opinion, Chinese culture is actually very similar and that's why we make a great couple.
Any stories out there on how you "snagged" your Italian man?